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Monday, December 23, 2013

I Turn 20 Today!

Sister Shearer and me - I got a haircut!
December 23, 2013

It’s my Birthday.  I'm 20--so old!  This week I've hit a ripe old age and am out of my teens.  My birthday will be a lot of fun because it is P-day.  Another Cool thing that happened this week is we got to see a live performance by Alex Boye.  He is an amazing singer who happens to be LDS and President Jeppson's son-in-law.   After the incredible performance he gave an incredible talk that was centered on "God will give you what you want you just have to believe it will happen."  It really stuck home for me and made me realize how important positive thinking is.  One of the best things he said was "If you think you’re so insignificant and small, try sharing a bed with a mosquito."  He has an amazing story so go on and check him out.    

The weather is so weird here.  Last week it was in the 20's with snow and now we have hit 70 with rain. So it will probably be just a wet Christmas. Besides the weather, the other crazy thing that is happened is that we accidentally went out of mission boundaries by the way of the Lincoln Tunnel (accidentally going through a line we weren't supposed to and we’ll receive a 50 dollar ticket later) and then we drove in Manhattan for about 10 minutes.  This was the scariest 10 minutes of my mission!  The best part was that I wasn't even with my companion, but another sister I was on an exchange with.  Let’s just say it was a fun day and we didn't get home until almost 8:00.  

Transfers are in two weeks and I'm so nervous.  I love Englewood and all the great people that come with it.  The most interesting things happen here like we saw a lady raking her snow the other day.  I know my letter is short, but my mom's been emailing me this whole time.  I pray that you all have a wonderful Christmas.  Thank you for all the letters and packages.  You have no idea what they mean to me.  Thank you for your love.

Sister Rogers

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Snow is Falling and No Driving

December 16, 2013
Here in New Jersey if we get a couple of inches of snow they close the schools and no missionaries are driving cars.  We have had a couple of surprise walking days this week.  On Saturday we had the ward Christmas party which turned out great.  We had so much food and I was the official egg scrambler. Our less active family came and it was so much fun. 
This week we ate at Bishop Rumble's house.  His wife told us the story of how they were married.  While living in Jamaica she became a member.  She had known Bishop Rumble almost her entire life, but she wanted to get married in the temple.  She came to the United States, but the boys here were "too much for her."  She came back to Jamaica and made him promise that he would take her to the temple.  It took him a long time before he joined the church.  It was so long in fact people started thinking he was a member because he would come to church every week.  It was so funny.
The funniest thing that happened this week is texting Noah.  This week we received a referral from church headquarters about a man named Noah.  The past sisters have received the same referral, but when they went they were not treated very kindly by someone who lives there.  By the way, Noah lives in a mansion house that is completely gated.  I'm terrified to go in there. He finally texted us back and we are going to deliver a pamphlet.  Maybe I'll be able to go into a rich-person house and see inside.  Maybe if I can get up the courage we can ask for a tour.
Sister Rogers’ embarrassing moment:
I asked a lady if she was excited for Christmas. 
She said "no."
  I asked her" why."
"I'm Jewish"
I hope you are all laughing.
Guess what, I'm turning 20 next Monday.  None of you will see me when I am 20.  In missionary terms that is called a dead year.  Hope you have fun in the snow.  Eat lots of candy for me. 
Sister Rogers

Monday, December 9, 2013

An Amazing Thanksgiving, Upcoming Temple Visit

December 9, 2013

We get to go to the temple!!!!!! I'm so excited.  As a zone we are going to the Manhattan temple to do a session the day after Christmas. It’s a great birthday present and can you believe it I'm turning 20!!! That doesn't even feel real.  Thank everyone so much for sending the treats and letters makes me feel like I'm back at home for a few minutes.  Well New Jersey got a little bit of snow, but not as much as Saint George.  I've got a new companion. Her name is Sister Shearer and I'm pretty sure I pronounce it differently every time I say it.   It’s great that my companion doesn't notice.  She is from Hurricane, Utah.  Her favorite pass times are drawing (she is an amazing artist) and organizing (which I need a lot of help on).  She loves soccer, which is wonderful because a ward hosts a soccer night every Friday night. 

Thanksgiving was wonderful and was hosted by our wonderful ward members, the Overbeys.  There were so many people there and the food was great (of course food from home is always better).  Thanks so much for all the cards that were sent they gave me such a laugh.  And for all those who I have neglected this week you can expect a letter in the mail and if I don't write to you I don't have your address so please send it to me.

          One of the funniest things that always seem to be happening to me is that somehow I always get called on to do something in the meetings that we have.  For example, I was asked again to do another training (which is like a 5 min. talk) in my district.  This is my 3rd on and my companion that is been out 9 months has only ever done 3.  Apparently God wants me to learn something; I just have to figure out what it is.  One time they even forgot to call a chorister and I was the only one who happened to make eye contact with the zone leader and he gave me that look that said "we need you!" My new rule is never make eye contact.  No, the real reason that I get picked on is because I'm new, but we have 4 new missionaries fresh of the plane that I'm sure could take the lead. It’s so much fun being surrounded by amazing missionaries.

          We have one of the most amazing investigators that I have ever seen.  His name is Oj and he is 14 years old.  His Grandma is a member, but can't go all the time to church. The amazing part is that he wakes his parents up to bring him to church.  He loves church.  He tells us all the time that he is actually learning something and he loves it when we teach him.  He has a younger brother that idolizes him and likes to come to church with his big brother.  His Grandma, Deserene, has one of the most powerful testimonies about sharing the gospel that I've ever seen. She reads and prays every single day instead of watching TV. She is constantly inviting everyone in her family to take the missionary lessons and wants them to be saved.

         Lorretta is on fire.  We taught her about the temple and see just kept saying I hope I don't die before I can go to the temple.  She tells us all the time "Why didn't I hear about this before?"  She loves the gospel so much and is constantly learning at a rate that without God would not be possible.

         A conclusion that I have made is that the Jamaicans are where it is at.  Deserene, Lorretta, and Bishop Rumble are all from Jamaica.  Maybe we need to find some more of them to teach.

Miracle for the Week:

We were out visiting less actives and my companion told me we needed to knock at least one house.  I saw one on the street that I liked and after ringing the doorbell this lady answered saying "my sisters come in."  We were shocked.  No one even talks to us when we knock and she had invited us inside.  We had an amazing lesson on the book of Mormon and had a great talk about religion.  It was so wonderful teaching that lesson.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful week and watched the Christmas Devotional.  
I love you and miss you lots thanks for all your love.

Sister Rogers